OASIS Adult Day Program

OASIS was created to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities ages 18 and older. This is a structured program designed to help increase independence in a variety of areas that help foster personal growth of each individual.

General program goals are to provide quality recreation services as well as increase and maintain social skills through well-designed activities and community integration. Other areas of focus include skills to promote independence through daily living skills, social interactions, cooking, health & fitness, and leisure activities. OASIS promotes social interaction with peers and within the community. 

Individuals must be able to participate successfully at a staff to participant ratio of 1:6-1:4. SWSRA will complete an intake assessment prior to acceptance into the program to determine each individual's eligibility.

For the 2024-2025, OASIS will be offered Monday-Friday. Participants can register for 2-5 days a week.


September 3, 2024 - May 23, 2025

The program follows the days off and holidays of a local school district calendar

Dates & Time

  • 2 Day Option: $430 (R), $645 (NR)

  • 3 Day Option: $595 (R), $890 (NR)

  • 4 Day Option: $750 (R), $1,125 (NR)

  • 5 Day Option: $935 (R), $1,405 (NR)

R: Resident
NR: Non-Resident

Monthly Fee

Worth Park District - Terrace Centre
11500 S Beloit Ave,
Worth, IL 60482




For more information, call us at 708-389-9423 or email us at info@swsra.com.